Max357 - A Superior Omega Blend

Research has proven how Omega Oils, also known as fatty acids are an essential part of the human diet since they provide numerous positive benefits on body and brain performance. Unfortunately, modern diets often do not provide enough good fatty acids for the body to function as well as it should.

Max357 used as a daily supplement has been formulated with a blend of fatty acids shown to assist the maintenance of a healthy heart, brain, and eyes. Our proprietary 3-5-7 blend of Omega oils has been specially designed to support the upkeep of your body and mind by offering a complementary combination that provides your body the resources it requires to function at optimal levels.

Omega 3: Promotes healthy heart and vascular function, supports healthy metabolic breakdown of fat and cholesterol, and helps sustain healthy function of brain, nerve and eye cells.

Omega 5: Provides strong antioxidant benefits, protects and supports the digestive tract.

Omega 7: Assists the body in the regulation of blood sugar levels, provides anti-aging benefits for skin, hair and nails.

Max357 now available in MEXICO

Max357 Benefits

  • Supports heart, brain, and eye health
  • Assists in the maintenance of healthy skin, hair, and nails
  • Supports cellular health and provides key nutrients for cell signaling
  • Certified to be eco-friendly, sustainable and freshly sourced
  • Limited oxidation and special formula gives a pleasant and mild taste
  • Max357 is Gluten & Melamine Free
  • Halal Certified

Our Premium Source provides Premium Quality

Max357 uses Norwegian cod oil for its Omega 3 fatty acids content - the largest and most sustainable fish stock in any ocean and considered one of the best resources of pure Omega 3.

Uniquely formulated and freshly sourced from sea to supplement, made from cod straight from the pristine waters of the Norwegian coast and processed on-site at the source — Max357 delivers the highest quality nutrients.

The fishery used for Max357 is recognized by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) as a company/fishery that obtains its fish in a sustainable way, minimizes any environmental impact, and adheres to all international regulations.

Keep your body running optimally with Max357 Arctic Cod Omega Blend.


Max357 at below Wholesale prices.
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Toll Free 1.877.577.2721

Important Notice: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
This Max357 website is presented by an Independent Max Associate.